Monday, February 13, 2012

El Chaltén and el Glaciar Perito Moreno, Patagonia (Argentina)

There are really only so many photos you can take of an expanse of ice, however impressive...

Until next time (another two weeks), as I cap off my summer-vacation-come-early with an adventure to Peru!

 Glaciar Perito Moreno.
 El Chaltén.
Hikin' in the snow!

Torres del Paine, Patagonia (Chile)

To my (2-3) loyal readers: Pardon the blogging hiatus! For the past two weeks I have been traipsing around Patagonia--both the Chilean and Argentinian side of things--hiking, climbing, backpacking, and doing much hosteling (many interesting stories there, just ask). I say with absolute confidence that Torres del Paine National Park is the most beautiful patch of pristine wilderness I have ever seen, and I feel very fortunate to have witnessed it on foot. Hopefully 70-year-old me will refer fondly back to this post before going in for knee replacement surgery. Though I returned a little bruised, blistered and nearly down one toenail, I also came back with many memories and, of course, some pictures...take a  look!

 The crew, minus our faithful Eagle Scout (photographer).

 Yes, this is real.
 Valle del Francés.
 Someone really should have told me buffs are meant for necks and not heads. (#nomirrors, #campingproblems)

 Striking a pose by the lake.
 Yes, this is also real.
 Look at those clouds!
 Quintessential Torres del Paine.
 ...And not 10 minutes later, it snows!
 Sunrise hike.